
Dumb Charades

by chukkimane, 03/09/2015

School Outing at Chukkimane
This is one game that can really add lots of excitement and fun to your parties. You can involve kids, people of all age groups.

Dumb Charades involves explaining the phrases or the name of the movie, a personality, a book or a TV show, etc. through acting. A person is not allowed to talk and is required to act out the name by using different gestures, facial expressions, and body language.

Benefits of playing dumb charades

Besides being out in the fresh air. One theory says all the jeers, taunts, calls, rhymes and teasing that go on actually give children the chance to: Develop more complex skills around friendship and social engagement.

How to play Dumb Charades?

•Choose a theme like names of Bollywood/Hollywood movies, songs of movies. You may choose to have multiple rounds with a different theme in every round.
•Decide the time which will be allocated to teams to enact & find out the assigned movie/song. Generally 60 seconds is good enough.
•Form 2 or more teams, each with at least 2 members.
•Team A decides the word or phrase (depending upon the decided theme e.g. movies, personalities) and calls one member from another team, say Team B, and tell him/her secretly the word or the phrase.
•The identified member from Team B has to enact the film name or the song via his body language without any lip movement to the remaining members of his team.
•Others in his team have to guess the name of the movie or song by following the gestures.
•It is advisable to have an empire that can ensure that all the rules of the game are being followed and can keep a track of time and score.

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