Innovative OBT Programs near Bangalore

OBT Programs

parallax layer

The outbound training programs also known as OBT Programs are very high energy offsite training programs for enhancing individual and team performance. Organizations usually take up these Outbound management programs to build up the skills in the areas of teamwork, team bonding, communication, leadership, time management, problem solving, decision making, motivation, change and personal development.
Chukki Mane ecotourism Experiential Outbound Training Program helps teams in:
  • Unlocking the potential of team members.
  • Motivating team members by linking to their individual motivators.
  • Improving team performance by leveraging complementary skills.
  • Building common vision, values and team spirit.
  • Increased collaboration, innovation and productivity.
  • Learning importance of open communication, developing team strategies for getting results, building trust, giving and receiving feedback.
  • Managing time, anger and stress.
  • Developing self-confidence, positive attitude, motivation.

The natural environment and outdoor activities add to the fun quotient of the outdoor training, team building program which help in acceptance and participation and also openness to risk taking, moving out of comfort zones, experimentation, receiving feedback and adapting change in behavior.The outdoor training programs are also suitable for cross-functional teams and across hierarchies.

“Innovative concepts, creative design, flawless execution”